Who Are You?

Who are You? Really.

ur culture?
ur religion?
ur nationality?
ur parnts?
ur friends?
ur duties?
ur obligations?
ur exams?
ur grades?
ur qualifications?
ur certificates/medals?
ur job?
ur husband/wife?
ur children?


just a thought.
v r kinda CRABBED wit all these external factors. too bz to think abt one self as one separate entity.
then again?, can v separate ourselvs frm d rest of d world? aftrall, v co-exist...
this is nonsense.
i think too much. :S.

but lyk Rene Descartes sed, "I think...therefore I am.."
ha ha.

Great ppl lyk him make me proud of my bambooozled mind.



Subtle Hues said...


I've been thinking about this recently!! but haven't got the answer yet :S

mode said...

one way to find it out start a tag! everyone would write about it then!!

Aisha said...

Ya "Think before you act and act on what you believe." as said by
Bo Bennett...so its gud to think ^.^

Aryj said...

i guess v dnt have enough time to stop and actually care about sumbdy jus as much as v care about oursleves..cux in the end..its jus goin to be u alone, ryt?...

.mini said...

mode dhey ideas dho :P i won't write ingey ekam