just imagine

note: this post has nothin 2 do wit Barney.

i am just sitting on my comfy chair, unaware of wots happenin arnd me.
smiling n chattin endlessly wit my childhood frnd, who's currently earning her degree across the globe.
few minutes n i get bored.
after skimmin thru my playlist, i play my favorite song n set the player to full volume.
aah, the magic of music.
somthing flashes from the corner of my desktop.
it is a new email. the sender address catches my attention. it says,'university of bristol'
adrenaline does its thing.
n i am as nervous as a chicken on death bed.
'ur application has been accepted' ...it reads.
a wave of exhileration passes thru me.
hands shakin, i reach for my cell fone n dial my mother back in her island.
a few happy tears exchange.
i giv her my lov n hurry to sms all my friends.
i hav this urge to celebrate. so i dial those 7 digits n soon, i am gobblin up a scrumptious pizza.
it is a nice feeeling. n i am happy. very happy.

i take som tym for myself n start dreamin abt livin my dream.

wen without any warnin, the electricity goes off.
n my dreams abt my future halts.

i am forced to travel bak in tym -- wayy back in tym.
back to my great grandfathers youth.
a life so different. so difficult.
evry little thing must hav been a struggle.
n still they made it thru n they made us proud.

10nx to them tht today, the world lies in our hands, n yet, v r always lookin 4 n excuse 2 prove tht lyf sucks.

it scares u wen u realize oneday tht, v r al gona die without leavin bak nothin but a worn out pair of socks 4 our grandchildren.
n it scares u more wen u know that they r gona end up worse.
image: DeviantArt


Anonymous said...

congrats on the acceptance! :D

shweetikle said...

i hardly got what u were tying to prove here =\
yes im holhiibui! totally =\

BubbleToes said...

bulhaa: eiiyy its just a story i made up to prove my point ey..10nx nyway..hehe..

shweeet: alhey wealli?? :\..i rote tht story to convey tht today almost evrithin can b achievd without even u havin to stand up...getu vanings tha now..hehe..

.mini said...

keevve nothing to do with barney ey bunee? nuvisnuney :P

and about the acceptance thingie, i thought it was for real! pis pis.. post nimun iruves mini akah neyngun
but i aint holhiburi ingey :D

Lavendergirl said...

It took sometime for me to understand what you tried to say.. lolzz..
and yeah.. today life is so easy.. world is so small.. we can do anything using the modern technology..!!

shweetikle said...

so it wasnt only meeeee!!!
so i wasnt actually holhiburi after all :P

blinkgurl said...

*copy paste lavender's comment* :D

BubbleToes said...

mini: hehe..barney (the purple dinosaur) kiya ennu lavayeh..'just imagine..lalalaaa' *duz tht ring a bell?* n my post title says it 2 so...getinzz??
yeah u aint holhi buri hehehe

lavendery: yeah! technology is spoilin us in a way..but hey hu m i kiddin...we'll probably die without it now.

shweeet: teehee! yeah! alhe haudha dhera-ey my post complicatin veema :\

blinky: :D

US GIRLS said...

hmm... i had 2 take sum tym to understand...

wat do ya mean by "singing chicken on car2n network"? i alwayz watch car2n network but i never heard or saw a singin chicken before! :S

BubbleToes said...

xeeko: eek..now m confooosed..eii hama car2n netwrk baa anekkaa..is it nickolodeon (is tht the right spellin) *questn mark on face*

callι guяl said...

*really copy pastes bubble's reply to shweet*
alhey wealli?? :\..i rote tht story to convey tht today almost evrithin can b achievd without even u havin to stand up...getu vanings tha now..hehe..

hehe. its the only way to get the right answer

and why didnt u update? =( update!!